- [ 2009-08-10, 4:06 p.m. ]

A day after dumb-ass doctor told me he "can't see anything wrong" with me, I ended up in hospital screaming in pain. I would have sent the asshole the bill, if there was one.
The nurse took some blood, and I cried. I informed her that my puppies get fed treats to distract them when they get their needles and this works quite well, they don't cry at all. She replied that she wished she had lollies to give me. Liar.
They gave me painkillers, and a drip too. I tried to eat the cord from the drip. And they took blood from my hand. I told the doctor that he had already taken blood out of my arm before they put the drip in. He said "We need more". I said "why?". He said "for the cultures" (or something like that). I said "What's a culture?". Then he just jabbed the needle in. I have a mega bruise to prove it, too. A showed me some cream that gets rid of bruises, but I was like "naaahh", 'cause I wanted to show it off "LOOK WHERE THEY PUT THE NEEDLE IN?!?!"

In an unrelated note, it's disturbingly too easy to find weirdo's on facebook. Maybe it's just me? I only find them for the lulz...

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dear santy claus